Old Melbourne Gaol
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    Old Melbourne Gaol operated between 1842 to 1929.  The Old Melbourne Gaol was used as a lock-up for prisoners awaiting trial, short-term petty criminals, debtors and condemned prisoners waiting to hang.  Old Melbourne Gaol is number six in the world for World's Best Prison Museums. 

    The Old Melbourne Gaol was the first extensive Gaol complex in Victoria.  It is located on Russell Street, between La Trobe and Victoria Streets behind the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and opposite the old Russell Street Police Station.

    Ned Kelly's life and Armour are firmly embedded in Australian folklore.  Ned Kelly and his Gang are Australia's most famous bushrangers.  Pursued by police for robbery and murder, Ned Kelly's capture was finally made after a gun fight with police at Glenrowan.  Ned Kelly's Gang members died during the siege and Kelly himself was hanged at the Melbourne Gaol on 11 November 1880. 

    Also I have pictures here from the Parliament House of Victoria.  All the flowers you see are here as a little memorial for all the Australians killed in Bali bombings over in Indonesia.  This was very sad to read how people felt about what happened.  Some people left flowers even though they didn't even know anybody.  Sure is very sad that this happened. 








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