Old Fort Queenscliff
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    Fort Queenscliff once played a big role during the World War 1 and World War 2.  The Fort was constructed between 1879 and 1889.  By 1886, Port Phillip Bay was the most heavily fortified port in the southern hemisphere, with Fort Queenscliff the nerve center in a string of nine forts and gun batteries around the bay.

The White Lighthouse at Queenscliff  The Black Lighthouse at Fort Queenscliff  The Point Lonsdale Lighthouse

    Around the area of Queenscliff there is lots to see and do.  There are three very beautiful lighthouses (shown Above) to tour.  Queenscliff's famous Black Lighthouse is one of only 3 of this color in the world.  It is the only black lighthouse in the Southern Hemisphere.

Mornington Peninsula.  This where I have done most of my travels.

    Along the area of Queenscliff there is an area called The Rip.  Just like a busy city intersection, the treacherous Rip depends on a set of lights to help traffic safely negotiate its narrow, reef-fringed thoroughfare and unpredictable waves.  Today, the world's biggest ships safely power their way through the swells.  But their skippers and pilots still respect the sea's power and the threat it poses as tides create powerful jet streams through the Rip's deep, craggy undersea canyons.

Old Fort Queenscliff     








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